Welcome to CwnGraph’s documentation!

API Quick Start

This is a quick guide to using CwnGraph API to query and navigate Chinese Wordnet.

1. Installation

When using CwnGraph for the first time, you would need to download and install the data for cwn (cwn_graph.pyobj) with CwnBase.install_cwn():

from pprint import pprint
from CwnGraph import CwnBase
CWN data installed

2. Load CWN data

To query CWN, the first step is to initialize the cwn data as an object with CwnBase():

from CwnGraph import CwnBase
cwn = CwnBase()
Now, you can start querying CWN with the methods provided by CwnBase!

3. Basic Query

3.1 Query senses from lemmas

To locate a particular sense in CWN, one approach is to first find the lemma associated with that sense. You can use CwnBase.find_lemma() to search for lemmas containing the given RegEx pattern passed as the argument. The example below searches for lemmas containing the string "電腦":

lemmas = cwn.find_lemma("電腦")
[<CwnLemma: 電腦_1>, <CwnLemma: 電腦化_1>, <CwnLemma: 微電腦_1>]

This returns a list of matching lemmas (CwnLemma).

Each lemma may itself contain other informations, for example, a lemma (e.g. 電腦_1) may has several senses:

senses = lemmas[0].senses
[<CwnSense[06613601](電腦): 一種資料處理裝置,能自動接受並儲存、處理輸入的資料,然後經由一組預先存放在機器內的指令逐步引導下產生輸出結果。>,
 <CwnSense[06613602](電腦): 研究或操作電腦的知識。>,
 <CwnSense[06613603](電腦): 比喻計算或記憶能力很強的人。>]

3.2 Sense

A sense could have several relations with other types of data, e.g. facets of the sense, other senses, etc.

3.2.1 Relations

With the relations attribute of a sense, one can find its sense relations to other entities, represented as a list of tuple, with each tuple representing a relation (an edge with the first element as the edgetype, the second as the other node, and the third as the direction).

computer = senses[0]
[('has_facet', <CwnFacet[0661360101](電腦): 普通名詞。電腦的功能,通常包括程式、軟體等。>, 'forward'),
  <CwnFacet[0661360102](電腦): 普通名詞。電腦的實體,特別指外表,通常包括螢幕、鍵盤、主機等。>,
  <CwnSynset[syn_004128]: 一種資料處理裝置,能自動接受並儲存、處理輸入的資料,然後經由一組預先存放在機器內的指令逐步引導下產生輸出結果。>,
 ('hypernym', <CwnSense[06582901](工具): 工作時必須使用的具有特定功能的器具。>, 'forward'),
 ('hyponym', <CwnSense[06582901](工具): 工作時必須使用的具有特定功能的器具。>, 'reversed')]

3.2.2 Facets

Sometimes, a sense may have multiple facets with slightly different meanings:

[<CwnFacet[0661360101](電腦): 普通名詞。電腦的功能,通常包括程式、軟體等。>,
 <CwnFacet[0661360102](電腦): 普通名詞。電腦的實體,特別指外表,通常包括螢幕、鍵盤、主機等。>]
while other senses may not have facets:
<CwnSense[06613602](電腦): 研究或操作電腦的知識。>
# This sense has no facets

3.2.3 Example sentences

The example sentences of a sense can be retrieved with the examples attribute:

<CwnSense[06613602](電腦): 研究或操作電腦的知識。>
When a sense has facets, one need to first retrieve a particular facet to get the examples of this sense facet:
<CwnFacet[0661360101](電腦): 普通名詞。電腦的功能,通常包括程式、軟體等。>
However, it may be tedious to check whether a sense has facets before retrieving the examples. One could use CwnSense.all_examples() to retrieve all examples of a sense whether or not this sense has facets:
# Can't retrieve examples for this sense
# because they are stored under facets
# This find all examples of a sense
# regardless of where the examples are stored

3.2.4 Other data of a sense

Other data of a sense could be retrieved with the data() method:

{'annot': {},
 'def': '研究或操作電腦的知識。',
 'domain': '',
 'examples': ['小朋友都覺得放假好煩,比上學更累,他們要學<電腦>,上補習班。',
 'node_type': 'sense',
 'pos': 'Na'}

3.3 Other approaches to query senses

CwnBase provides ways to search for senses directly with CwnBase.find_senses(). This method searches for senses with lemmas, sense definitions, or example sentences that match the given RegEx patterns. The matched senses are returned as a list of senses.

[<CwnSense[06665201](車): 在陸地上以輪子行駛的運輸工具。>,
 <CwnSense[06665202](車): 以車子為形象製成的人造物。>,
 <CwnSense[06665203](車): 開放式用於乘載或放置物品的有輪子的工具。>,
 <CwnSense[06665204](車): 相互連結用在軌道上行駛的運輸工具中的一節。>,
 <CwnSense[06665205](車): 計算一車承載物的量的單位。>,
 <CwnSense[06665206](車): 利用機械切削特定物品。>,
 <CwnSense[06665207](車): 大型的紡織機械。>,
 <CwnSense[06665208](車): 利用機器來縫製衣物。>,
 <CwnSense[07021501](車): 姓。>,
 <CwnSense[07021601](車): 象棋遊戲中所使用的棋子之一,走直線。>]
[<CwnSense[03027001](輛): 計算有輪子的機械裝置的單位。>,
 <CwnSense[04082906](台): 計算有輪子的機械裝置的單位。>,
 <CwnSense[04153906](臺): 計算有輪子的機械裝置的單位。>,
 <CwnSense[05075709](部): 計算有輪子的機械裝置的單位。>,
 <CwnSense[05131903](輪): 計算輪子的單位。>,
 <CwnSense[05131904](輪): 形狀像輪子的物體。>,
 <CwnSense[06521401](車子): 在陸地上以輪子行駛的運輸工具。>,
 <CwnSense[06552201](汽車): 在陸地上行駛的有四個以上的輪子的運輸工具。>,
 <CwnSense[06665201](車): 在陸地上以輪子行駛的運輸工具。>,
 <CwnSense[06665203](車): 開放式用於乘載或放置物品的有輪子的工具。>,
 <CwnSense[08008101](胎): 輪子外面包覆的環形橡膠製品。為英語tire的音譯。>,
 <CwnSense[09004101](汽): 在陸地上行駛的有四個以上的輪子的運輸工具。>]
[<CwnSense[05041401](連): 兩物體在空間上相連。>,
 <CwnSense[06665203](車): 開放式用於乘載或放置物品的有輪子的工具。>]

Indices and tables